Pioneering Medical Innovations

Cardinal Health to acquire AccessClosure for $320M

“With AccessClosure we received an outstanding management team with a proven track record to commercialize interventional cardiology assets,” Don Casey, CEO of Cardinal Health’s medical segment, told Medical Device Daily. “We received a great regulatory and clinical infrastructure and an excellent manufacturing infrastructure. So that combined with what Cardinal brings, which is superior access to the C-Suite in a lot of [hospitals] around the country, as well as this lower cost distribution model, we think this is going to create a real winner.”

“We are extremely impressed with the sales force’s account base and their ability to bring the Mynx product out to a very broad base in the interventional suite,” Casey said. “We’d like to bring some of the partners and assets that Cardinal has and put it into their bag. We’re excited about the sales force and their capabilities. We want to add to that.”

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